Sunday, November 2, 2008

sleep conspiracy

today's tiredness is not the eye-stinging, drowsy kind. it's the sort that originates somewhere behind my eyeballs in an aching pain that then radiates to the rest of my face. i'm not sure what my kids have planned for me. i know they've been conspiring, a tag team of total sleep annhialation for mom. the infant--understandable. i know she barely knows daytime from night. but C, come on. you've been at this for over two years now, this sleep adjustment thing. i would think that you've got it a little more figured out.

maybe it's because we just moved C into his own little bed finally. which hardly means much since the toddler bed is siddled up right next to my side of the bed so that we no longer have a california king, but more like an american monarchy that spans most of the western wall of our bedroom. C has been so excited about his big boy bed, but between nightly rolls onto the floor (or turtle beanbag) and generally flipping every which way, he awakens many times in the night to reacquaint himself with his surroundings with a slightly panicked 'mama!' so i reposition him and he monkey latches onto my arm so that i'm doing mommy yoga poses at 4 am.

all work and no sleep makes mom a crazy person.

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