Thursday, November 13, 2008

meet me in the park

am i the only one who feels the profound absence of community, particularly the elders? in italy, neighborhoods congregate daily in the square, around a fountain or by a church at the close of the day. debriefing, drinking beer, wine, water or coffee. the elders sit with their hands folded over a cane; the toddlers squeal as they run and trip over cobble stones; the mothers chat and gossip; the men complain and admire the women. when the last ember of sun is finally extinguished, everyone returns to their homes for dinners and wine, for more talking with extended family, fights and jokes. the households are not quietly subdued in front of televisions, thoughts weighed like wet butterfly wings by the steady stream of electronic voices.

some ancient part of me longs for this scene, knows it deeply and wishes to see it return to my life. i live in a small town of lovely people interested in their spiritual cultivation and furthering the peace of the planet. i'm grateful for my brief passing interactions with them. but i want to see us all gathering in libbey park around the fountain at dusk. i want to see elders assisted by the youth to their loosely-designated benches. i can hear the music of our talented townsfolk and the symphonic tune of children laughing. who could we become if we took part in such a beautiful daily ritual? what global changes could we make just by acknowledging our connectedness right here in our little town?

1 comment:

alexander said...

"thoughts weighed like wet butterfly wings by the steady stream of electronic voices."

Brilliant...poetry in motion.
A Masterpiece of understatement.
Floating by the reader with utter ease.