Thursday, December 18, 2008

working vacation

well it's back to work for me. not that i haven't actually been doing the most difficult work for three and a half years now with raising our two children, but today i will be stepping out into the work force for two whole hours. my brother- and sister-in-law opened a restaurant called papa lennon's, a fantastic italian restaurant with a european feel. i haven't waitressed in quite a while, but i look forward to mingling with the public and forming whole sentences with ease instead of pecking through each word slowly so that my son can understand :)

i used to judge housewives as lazy and unsuccessful. i pictured them posting up in front of 'days of our lives', drinking diet coke and painting their toenails while the kids played in the next room. life consistently teaches me not to judge. if i have judgment in my heart toward anyone or thing, i will certainly be placed in their shoes. and in the case of being a housewife, i've been running a marathon in these shoes and i owe a sincere apology for every slanderous thought i've ever had about the domestic woman. hands down, the most challenging job a person could have, and yet the most rewarding. what could be more important than raising functioning, conscious human beings?

i take it all back--today i'm going on vacation and i will return home after my two-hour shift in eager anticipation of my children's smiles.

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